For those of you interested in where exactly we are, we are docked at a marina in Ingleside Bay which is kind of a part of Corpus Christi Bay which also seems to be a part of Redfish Bay..? Something like that anyway. It is very quiet and well protected. There is a little island that everybody rows out too to lay out or to fish. One of our neighbors pulled out about a 40-50 lb fish (I don't know what kind it was) from right off of his little boat next to the island. Sitting out at the docks this morning and you could see tons of fish jumping in schools. I'm hoping it's as easy to catch them as everyone around us has made it look!
The last few days were spent just driving around checking out our surrounding areas trying to get an idea of what kind of stores and shops are close by. The towns here individually, are very small. However, all the towns are connected and it's kind of hard to tell when you go from one to the next. Corpus Christi is about 15 minute drive from here and it has everything we could possibly need if we can't find it locally.
Yesterday I saw a couple of kids out playing catch in the street. The only reason that stood out to me is because I have not seen kids outside physically playing without the addition of some sort of electronic devise or controller for a long, long time. People around here are extremely friendly and courteous. A very nice change! It's a different story once they get behind the while of a car, or in most cases a HUGE truck. I have seen defensive driving courses before, but yesterday we drove past an "Offensive/Aggressive Driving School". I'm not kidding either. They drive like maniacs here.
Last night was the first night spent in our new home on the water! I can't say that sleep was all that great, all the new noises kept me up for most of the night.
...Here are a few pictures of our neighborhood: the fishing pier, the beach picnic area, our new backyard and our boat after we launched it. We have to wait to raise the mast until it is not quite so windy.